24-Hour Hotline
St. Johnsbury: 802-748-8645
Newport: 802-334-0148

Cornucopia is a culinary arts job-training program for women with barriers to employment. The 15-week program introduces women to the culinary arts through the preparation and packaging of Meals-on-Wheels for Newport area seniors. The program incorporates soft skill development and wrap-around support with the end goal of helping women achieve economic self-sufficiency through securing employment or advanced training/education. In 2020, 8 women were empowered through hands-on culinary and hospitality training and produced over 37,276 nutritionally-balanced meals to homebound, Newport-area seniors. One-hundred percent of participants were employed or enrolled in college post-graduation.
Who can attend?
The program is designed for women who are transitioning from unsafe or unsustainable living conditions who need extra support in developing marketable job skills. This may include formerly incarcerated women, women leaving abusive partners, victims of domestic and sexual violence, women in recovery, and other life-changing situations.
The program may qualify for work experience for Reach Up, Voc Rehab, and similar programs. Participants will be referred by their case managers or advocates who will continue to provide support in removing barriers to employment.
What’s involved?
First, participants will enroll in a 2 week general job readiness program. This will cover basics such as interview skills and resume writing. Trainees will then move into the 13-week culinary skills program, cooking nutritious meals for area seniors while learning: Kitchen essentials, safety and sanitation, knife skills, nutrition, baking & cake decorating, kitchen math & measuring…and more!
Contact Information
3300 US Rte 5, Derby, VT 05829
(802) 766-3642